Help us to continue providing care that makes a difference
The number one priority for Bluestones Medical Complex Care is to provide each and every one of our Service Users with the very best care.
We do this by truly understanding the Service Users and their needs, requirements, goals, and life objectives. This, together with a tailored care plan that is continuously monitored allows individuals to live the healthy, fulfilling life they deserve.
To help ensure we are continuously improving the service we provide, we would really appreciate it if you could take the time to fill out one of the surveys below that relates to you.
Please note, you do not have to provide your name if you wish to remain anonymous.

Y brif flaenoriaeth ar gyfer Gofal Cymhleth Meddygol Bluestones yw darparu’r gofal gorau oll i bob un o’n Defnyddwyr Gwasanaeth.
Rydym yn gwneud hyn trwy wir ddeall y Defnyddwyr Gwasanaeth a’u hanghenion, eu gofynion, eu nodau ac amcanion bywyd. Mae hyn, ynghyd â chynllun gofal wedi’i deilwra sy’n cael ei fonitro’n barhaus, yn galluogi unigolion i fyw’r bywyd iach, bodlon y maent yn ei haeddu.
Er mwyn helpu i sicrhau ein bod yn gwella’r gwasanaeth a ddarparwn yn barhaus, byddem yn gwerthfawrogi’n fawr pe gallech gymryd yr amser i lenwi un o’r arolygon isod sy’n ymwneud â chi.
Sylwch, nid oes rhaid i chi roi eich enw os ydych am aros yn ddienw.
If you are someone in our care and wish to provide us with some feedback, please click HERE
If you are a member of the Bluestones Medical Complex Care team and wish to provide us with some feedback, please click HERE
If you are a friend, relative or an advocate of one on the Service Users in our care and wish to provide us with feedback, please do so HERE
If you are an external professional and wish to provide us with some feedback on our services, please do so HERE
If you want to quickly write a complaint or compliment about our service, please use this form HERE
If you are someone in our care and wish to provide us with some feedback, please click HERE
If you are a member of the Bluestones Medical Complex Care team and wish to provide us with some feedback, please click HERE
If you are a friend, relative or an advocate of one on the Service Users in our care and wish to provide us with feedback, please do so HERE
If you are an external professional and wish to provide us with some feedback on our services, please do so HERE
If you want to quickly write a complaint or compliment about our service, please use this form HERE
Os ydych yn rhywun yn ein gofal ac yr hoffech roi rhywfaint o adborth i ni, cliciwch YMA
Os ydych yn aelod o dîm Gofal Cymhleth Meddygol Bluestones ac yn dymuno rhoi rhywfaint o adborth i ni, cliciwch YMA
Os ydych yn ffrind, perthynas neu eiriolwr i un o’r Defnyddwyr Gwasanaeth yn ein gofal ac yn dymuno rhoi adborth i ni, gwnewch hynny YMA
Os ydych yn weithiwr proffesiynol allanol a hoffech roi rhywfaint o adborth i ni ar ein gwasanaethau, gwnewch hynny YMA
Os ydych am ysgrifennu cwyn neu ganmoliaeth am ein gwasanaeth yn gyflym, defnyddiwch y ffurflen hon YMA
Want to make a complaint or a compliment?
We will listen
If you want to leave us a complaint or a compliment confidentially please follow this link. We take all responses very seriously and encourage your feedback.
We’re proud to deliver care that gives individuals hope for their future, despite their complexities.