Staff Survey (Wales)

CIW Staff Survey

You are not required to complete any or all of the information. You may complete your name or leave this blank if you wish to remain anonymous.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Your Name

Please read the questions below and select the grade you feel we perform. This will help us improve and raise our standards.

1 = Unsatisfactory 2 = Weak 3 = Adequate 4 = Good 5 = Very good 6 = Excellent

Section 1. How well does Bluestones Medical Complex Care support the person’s well-being?

a. Individuals are given all the information that they need about the service in a way they can understand.
b. Individuals are supported to do the things that make them happy.
c. Individuals tell you that they feel safe.
d. Individuals tell you that they feel part of the community where they live

Section 2. How well does Bluestones Medical Complex Care provide care and support that meets the needs of the people using the service?

a. Individuals are helped to achieve their own, individual goals.
b. Individuals are involved in any decisions about their own care and support.
c. People important to the Individual are involved in the decisions that affect them.
d. The care and support that Individuals receive is consistently of high-quality.
e. Individuals are supported to take appropriate risks and lead the life they want.
f. Health services are always provided when the Individual needs them.
g. Individuals are involved as much as they want to be with their own medication. When it is managed on their behalf, it is done in a safe and competent way.
h. When meals are provided, they are what the Individual wants to eat and they are of good quality.
i. I feel that there is always enough equipment, materials and other resources available to help me provide high-quality care and support.

Section 3. How good is the leadership and management of the service?

a. I feel that quality is a priority for Bluestones Medical Complex Care.
b. Supervision is provided and it is used to support me to do a better job.
c. Relevant training is provided. It ensures that I have the skills and knowledge to effectively support Individuals.
d. I feel valued by Bluestones Medical Complex Care.
e. My contribution to Bluestones Medical Complex Care is recognised and appropriately rewarded.
f. In my opinion, the culture of Bluestones Medical Complex Care is one of promoting dignity, respect and compassion.
g. There are always enough staff to support Individuals at a time when they need it.
h. If Individuals have capacity and want responsibility, they are supported to have full control of their own money and medication.
i. I can complain when I am not happy.
j. I know who the management of the service are, and they make appropriate efforts to know who I am.
k. I am encouraged to report bad practice and feel that I would be supported by Bluestones Medical Complex Care if I did.

Section 4. Where the service is responsible, how good is the environment?

a. There is enough space for the Individuals to live the life they want.
b. When the Individual needs it, there is always equipment available to help them be as independent as possible.
c. I feel that the environment is well-maintained.
d. Individuals are able to access outdoor areas, including gardens, if they are available.
e. I feel that the environment is safe, and that risks to me and Individuals are well-managed.
f. I feel that technology is used effectively to help me to do my job well.

Section 6. Respecting my privacy

If you wish, you do not have to declare your identity on this survey and you may return it anonymously
A member of staff helped me complete this survey
I have been told that I can return this survey anonymously
I have been told that I can return this survey anonymously
I am satisfied that I can return this survey anonymously if I want to
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