Everyone has the right to make a compaint or a compliment
The number one priority for Bluestones Medical Complex Care is to provide each and every one of our Service Users with the very best care.
We do this by truly understanding the Service Users and their needs, requirements, goals, and life objectives. This, together with a tailored care plan that is continuously monitored allows individuals to live the healthy, fulfilling life they deserve.
To help ensure we are continuously improving the service we provide, we would really appreciate it if you could take the time to fill out the complaint/compliment form below.
Please note, you do not have to provide your name if you wish to remain anonymous.

Complaints form
Have you been to one of our houses?
Fill in one our surveys to tell us how me did
The number one priority for Bluestones Medical Complex Care is to provide each and every one of our Service Users with the very best care.