External Professionals Survey (England)

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Your Name

Please read the questions below and select the grade you feel we perform. This will help us improve and raise our standards.

1 = Inadequate 2 = Requires improvement 3 = Good 4 = Outstanding

Section 1. Is the service safe?

a. I feel the young person is protected from bullying, harassment, avoidable harm, neglect, abuse and discrimination
b. Medication processes appear to be well managed
c. Equipment I see is well maintained
d. I am positively encouraged to challenge and report any poor practice and I am confident this would be acted upon
e. I am involved quickly and appropriately in the young person's care if they are assessed as requiring specialist advice or intervention
f. When I have been present, I feel there are the right number of staff to support the young person's care/support needs

Section 2. Is the service effective?

a. Staff appear to be clear about their roles and responsibilities
b. Staff appear to receive a good induction and I see staff shadowing more experienced staff
c. Staff appear to be well trained and the service is one of continual improvement
d. Staff accept advice and recommendations from visiting professionals which improves outcomes for those in their care
e. I feel the young person is always asked for their consent by staff for their care and treatment and the appropriate people are involved in best interest decisions when necessary

Section 3. Is the service caring?

a. I feel staff treat the young person and their loved ones with dignity, respect, kindness and compassion
b. There are warm positive relationships between the young person and staff
c. The young person's privacy appears to be always respected by staff of Bluestones Medical Complex Care during my visits and this includes their personal information
d. I feel staff communicate with the young person and their loved ones about their needs and staff understand the importance of not discriminating because of someone's protected characteristic

Section 4. Is the service responsive?

a. I feel staff understand the service is for the young person, they listen to their needs, preferences and ideas and act on them
b. I have experienced friends, relatives and advocates being consulted when it is right to do so. Their views are listened to and acted on
c. I am kept up to date by staff when this is necessary
d. Any concerns I have and complaints I make are taken seriously, dealt with promptly and I am kept informed

Section 5. Is the service well-led?

a. The management team at Bluestones Medical Complex Care is well known to the young person, relatives and staff and is easily contactable
b. I have experience of the managers, they appear to know what they need to do and they have been honest with me, including when things go wrong
c. Staff appear to be happy in their work
d. I am asked, when appropriate, for my views on the wider service and I feel included in how things will be different
e. There appears to be good communication between management and staff
f. The culture within Bluestones Medical Complex Care appears to encourage contributions from all involved
g. There is, in my opinion, strong leadership which welcomes views from all

Section 6. Respecting my privacy

If you wish, you do not have to declare your identity on this survey and you may return it anonymously
A member of staff helped me complete this survey
I have been told that I can return this survey anonymously
I have been told that I can return this survey anonymously
I am satisfied that I can return this survey anonymously if I want to
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